Saudi woman boxer breaks exercise taboo

 | Updated: Mar 19, 2018, 12:43 PM IST
Halah Alhamrani, 41, runs a gym for women called FlagBoxing - its motto is Fight Like A Girl - in the western Red Sea city of Jeddah, offering fitness classes such as callisthenics, CrossFit, boxing and kickboxing

Halah Alhamrani

Alhamrani is involved in shaping the new public school sports curriculum

Open-minded parents

As the daughter of an American mother and Saudi father, she enjoyed a privilege denied most Saudi girls, in that her parents encouraged sports from an early age

Certified boxer

Alhamrani is a certified boxer from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) in the United States

FLAG gym owner

She owns an all-female gym called FLAG - an acronym for Fight Like A Girl - in the posh district of Jeddah

Happy wife, happy mother

Happily married for 12 years to an extremely supportive husband, Alhamrani resides with her 8-year-old son in Jeddah