No-mask, anti-lockdown protests gather pace across the globe

 | Updated: Sep 07, 2020, 05:44 PM IST

An end to the pandemic is nowhere to be seen, with countries who have tackled the deadly virus so far are now witnessing a second wave. The arrival of a potential vaccine is also at least a few months away and countries like the US, India and Brazil are still struggling to control the first wave. 

Eight months of this year have passed and a majority of time was spent with strict lockdown measures to prevent the spread of the virus. However, now when people are fed up with stay-at-home orders, protests against wearing masks and lockdown measures are gathering pace across the globe. 

'No mask' movements in Italy

On Saturday, several Italians came together to protest against masks and vaccination, among others. In this photo, a man is seen donning a cutout mask to mark his protest in Rome. 


Paris lockdown protest

Protests against the mandatory wearing of masks were also seen in Paris. In this image, a woman while holding a placard that says "Stop Censorship - Yes to the Freedom of Expression" shouts in a megaphone to demonstrate against the mask-wearing rule. 


Anti-mask protests in Rome, Italy

In the Saturday protests in Italy in Rome, this man brought a banner which read "No mask at school, no distancing". 


Australia anti-lockdown protests

In the island continent Australia, a large number of people are coming up to protest against the strict lockdown measures that are imposed again to control the second wave of the deadly virus. In a protest, the above man is seen confronting police at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne on Saturday. 


Germany protest against lockdown

A few days ago, nearly 38,000 people came together in Berlin, Germany to protest against social distancing and wearing of masks. This image is of the next day on August 30, in which a protester in Berlin is holding a sign that says "Back then witch craze, today corona craze". 
