January 10 in history: Signing of Tashkent Declaration between India and Pakistan and more

 | Updated: Jan 10, 2021, 10:36 AM IST

From the first meeting of the UN General Assembly to the signing of Tashkent Declaration between India and Pakistan, we've got it all covered!

Let's dive into today's history.

Tea from India first arrives in the United Kingdom

Tea from India first arrives in the United Kingdom.


The Treaty of Versailles takes effect

The Treaty of Versailles takes effect.


UN General Assembly meets for first time in London

UN General Assembly meets for first time in London.


Tashkent Declaration is signed between India and Pakistan

Tashkent Declaration is signed between India and Pakistan.


US and the Vatican establish diplomatic relations after 117-year break

US and the Vatican establish diplomatic relations after 117-year break.
