Five countries where environmental activism could get you killed

 | Updated: Jul 29, 2020, 03:28 PM IST

212 environmental campaigners worldwide were murdered in 2019, making last year the deadliest on record, watchdog group Global Witness reported Wednesday.

Here is a list of five countries where environmental activists are at highest risk of being killed.


In Colombia, 64 activists were murdered in 2019, the highest ever this year and for the country ever. The number in 2020 is expected to be higher due to coronavirus lockdown which has made targeting activists easier.



The Philippines recorded 43 murders of activists last year. President Duterte has cracked down on activists and has enforced heavy censorship since coming to power. The tone around activism has thickened.



In Brazil, 24 activists were killed in 2019. The actual number is much higher due to underreporting or misreporting, the NGO said in its report. 40% of those murdered were indigenous people. Two thirds of the total died in South America.



Mexico witnessed 18 murders over the last year. More than a third were protesting mining operations.



14 activists were killed in Honduras. Outright murders occur against a generalised backdrop of intimidation and harassment.
